Best Steps in Managing Learning Difficulties in Students - See Different Types of Difficulty in Learning - TRAYINFO



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Best Steps in Managing Learning Difficulties in Students - See Different Types of Difficulty in Learning

 Have you been faced with thought times in your academics due to your learning capacity or you are facing learning difficulties and you don't know how to overcome it or manage it? If this has been your worst night mear, then you need not worry as we present to you the Best Steps in Managing Learning Difficulties in Students.

The term learning difficulties is the hand grenade of education. It refers to a student who experiences difficulties in learning, inferring, questioning, memorizing, reading, critical thinking, tracking effects, and classifying. Most questions have been debated on does learning difficulty means the same thing as a learning disability? Learning difficulties include for instance; emotional, psychological, social difficulties, concentration at school, visual and hearing impairment, cognitive or intellectual difficulties, and many more. Reading difficulties include neurological deficits in decoding letter system, word or text recognition, misinterpretation, and recognition of sound.

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There are different types of learning disability, in which some student falls into this is because the Student with a learning disability has nothing to do with a student’s intelligence. Students with learning disabilities

  • Can occur across the range of intellectual ability
  • Have difficulties which are inherent to the child and are lifelong effect
  • Do not respond to intervened in some certain ways
  • Often have a family member with learning difficulties

Types of Learning Difficulties

Below here are the learning difficulties that are common among student of any age. These will help you in managing and dealing with his learning difficulties and disabilities.

The learning difficulties include:
  • Dyslexia: this is known as learning disabilities, it’s the most common amongst student. It is learning disorder that impedes the students to ability to read and comprehend a text. Some people struggle with phonemic awareness that means the way words break down according to sound. Other issues are related generally to spelling, fluency and pronunciation. Dyslexia is not actually associated with lower IQ but language difficulty resulting in lower self confidence.
  • Dyscalculia: this is a simple arithmetic difficulty. Mathematics is another major area of concern when it comes to learning disabilities. This is the disorder that specially affects a student’s math capabilities and inability to order numbers, calculation, measurement, time or estimation.
  • ADHD (attention deficit/hyperactivity disorder): has affected more than a .4 million children at some point. Student who have this always have difficulty paying attention in the classroom and focusing on a given task. Exerts has linked ADHD with the structure of the brain and there’s evidence that ADHD may have a genetic components.
  • Dysgraphia: while reading difficulties receives the most attention, writing difficulties can be equally deal with. Writing difficulty is a called dysgraphic. Student with this difficulty have a hard time writing thereby producing unclear and illegible texts, organizing their thought coherently.
  • Processing deficits: when a student has this difficulty, they tend to have problems making sense of sensory data. This makes it hard for students to perform in a traditional supports.
Understanding these difficulties is a gate way to understanding a students learning skill so that every student can excel in class and succeed in life. Although most students struggle with more than one difficulty ranging from mild to severe.

Types of Learning Styles

Learning style is the method a student’s understands better than the other. It differs from one student to the other ranging from the way they see, hear and think on a subject matter. These are the 5 basic learning skills amongst students.

  • Visual learners: This refers to the spatial learning method. Students who learn through this process understands information better when it is presented in pictures, diagram, shapes, charts, maps, drawing and illustrations. They love to draw and probably a good speller. The whiteboard or TV for kindergarten is your best assistance when teaching a visual learner. So, as a teacher understand to give students a little time and space to work through the information given to them.
  • Auditory learners: They often go with sound. These students rather learn by listening attentively to the teacher or lecturer than viewing pictures, written note. They often use their voice to reinforce new ideas, concepts and thoughts. They are not afraid to speak u in a class. The best way to go about with an auditory learner is to engage them deeply in lectures and extra lessons and study group.
  • The reading and writing learners: These learners are drowned to reading and writing articles on the internet or any source of information. They are extreme researchers, readers and eassy writers. This is probably the easiest of all skills.
  • The tactile learners: They learn through radical experiencing things through practical, experiencing things. They benefit from hand on activities, field trips. They struggle to sit still and are good at sports, arts and craft, dance and need break when studying. They are also known as the kinesthetic learner. They study with music on the background. They prefer studying in small group and takes break in-between studies.

How to Handle a Student With Learning Difficulty

Below here a vital information on how to handle a student with learning difficulty, so if you wish to help your student overcome this learning difficulties then apply this formulars below.

  1. Self awareness and confidence, most children struggle in classroom this causes a child doubt his abilities and question his strength. Take a step by asking him to list out his weakness and strength and talk about those things listed with him. Engage your child to talk about their challenges as well as their strength with you. Work with them in their capabilities.

  2. Identify how you child learn fast and his skill of learning, everyone has his unique way of learning. Once you have figured out your child’s skill, you can take a step by making sure that type of learning is reinforced in school and home study.

  3. Take charge of your child’s education, the role of child’s education is more important than ever, take responsibility by providing your child with adequate tools for learning. Embrace the role as proactive aren’t or guardians and work on your communication skills. Remember you influence outweighs others. If you approach learning challenges with optimism, joy, great sense of humor and hard work you work is more likely to embrace your perspective rather than a difficulty. Focus on your energy on your child. Become your child coach and therapist.

  4. Become your own exert and an advocate to your child. Do your own research. So, lay your art in finding the perfect learning tool for child.

  5. Be a good listener, allow school teachers to say their ideas and opinion.  Being a vocal advocate for your child can be challenging, you need a negotiation skill for your child proper education. Stay calm, collected, focused and positive. Don’t give easily on your child.

In conclusion, these professional tips can help in developing a child and identifying a specialized learning plan and strategy for the well being of your child.

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