48 Real Facts About Women you Need to Know - Learn How to Win the Heart of a Woman - TRAYINFO



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48 Real Facts About Women you Need to Know - Learn How to Win the Heart of a Woman

Today, we will be sharing the amazing but funny facts about this sweet gender. The female gender of course! Isn’t it amazing? A woman is the most phenomenal being ever created by God that’s why today we are looking at things you must know about these amazing creatures.

So many men make mistakes that is why today we so many broken homes and marriages, so if you will spare me few minutes of your time to show you 48 Real Facts About Women you Need to Know and also How to Win the Heart of a Woman.

You know that a woman was taken out of a man but most people don’t understand God’s feminine part. Okay, keep sliding down and check out the thing you need to understand about your woman.

So if you are a man and you don't know how to treat or win the heart of a woman then you need to focus your attention on the 48 real fact about women, so you watch the heart of any woman you wish to know or get as your lover.

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48 Real Facts About Women

The following fact below here might look unserious or irrelivant to you, but the truth of the matter still remains that with this facts you can handle any lady.

  1. They have absolutely nothing to do with someone’s promiscuity.
  2. When they start telling you some problem in details, they aren’t actually looking for solution but commiseration.
  3. Women are different from each other.
  4. A woman will easily trust someone who hugged her at least 15 minutes.
  5. Ladies doesn’t like it when her hands are free.
  6. After making love, women don’t feel like sleeping they feel like talking and kissing.
  7. While turning to a call. A woman usually turns her neck while men turn their entire body. It’s because ladies have more flexible neck than men.
  8. Ladies close her ear with fingers while men with their hands.
  9. While making love, a woman worries about whether she looks pretty or not.
  10. When you ask a woman to give you a lighter, she doesn’t test the speed of your reaction, she will just give.
  11. Women usually tie the belt of a gown higher than their belly button while men tie it lower.
  12. Women throw their phone in their big purse and then, spasmodically, look for it and can’t find it while it rings.
  13. 80% of women uses silent to express their pain.
  14. They arrange stuffs into the right place and then forget where the right place was. lol
  15. They look for their sunglasses when its right on their head.
  16. Women always have nothing to wear even if their closest is overloaded with dresses.
  17. When they look at themselves in the mirror, they often think it would be great to have a picture taken in this position.
  18. When they are in a hurry, they always look for keys that they had in hand.
  19. They brush their hair before going to bed.
  20. Sometimes, they fake pleasure because the man faked the foreplay.
  21. They often feel insecure about their butt/ breast size.
  22. When they use a map, they need to turn it to the direction that correspond the one they are heading to.
  23. When they say to a guy “well…..nothing” they mean entirely different thing.
  24. They’re never wrong. They wait for men to initiate and apologize.
  25. When they cry they would love someone to see it and cuddle them.
  26. Usually, they have over 50 different items on their bathroom unidentified by men.
  27. They are afraid if bugs, spider and cockroach.
  28. When they go out for 3 days trip, they usually pack a 7 day outfit just in case they will hesitate on what to wear.
  29. Watch a woman eats an ice cream cone and you will have a pretty good idea how she will be in bed.
  30. Most women don’t know anything about cars.
  31. A woman can visit her girlfriend for 2 weeks and upon returning home. She will call the same friend and they will talk for 2 hours.
  32. Ladies prefer calling on phone than text.
  33. When a woman cries, she looks at herself in a mirror to check whether she is crying beautifully.
  34. Ladies can’t resist to answer a ringing call no matter what she is doing.
  35. Women always ask questions that has no answer, in an effort to trap you into feeling guilty.
  36. Women love to bargain.
  37. They love to shop.
  38. Some of them can’t keep secret.
  39. They don’t want sex as often.
  40. They hate talking about the female anatomy in front of a guy.
  41. Women don’t want an honest answer to the question “how do I look?”
  42. They love compliment and attention.
  43. They are too emotional.
  44. They respond to words more quickly.
  45. When a woman loves, she loves for real.
  46. They are an incubator: give a woman a word, she will give you a sentence, give her a grocery she will give you a delicious meal. Whatever you give to a woman she gives you back multiplied.
  47. Ladies are like a math problem. At the beginning, you just don’t know the solution but at the end it seems simple just when you have mastered the formulas….
  48. Finally, they are most phenomenal being ever created.
Now that you know all of this 48 Real Facts About Women, you can now rock and roll. You have to adore your woman, she is just unique in her own way. Thumbs up! Thanks for reading.

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